2ª Via de Boleto
Usuário: CNPJ da sua empresa
Senha: Raiz do CNPJ
(8 primeiros números)

About us

Our Philosophy

Guarany is a 100% Brazilian owned company, with over 100 years of experience in the market, located in Itu in the State of Sao Paulo. We export to more than 80 countries,  and have established ourselves in the international market as one of the most renowned manufacturers of equipment and machinery used for the application of agricultural products, combating endemic vectors and fighting forest fires; In addition to these three distinct lines, a second division of Guarany excels in providing dyes for textiles,  handicraft products and industrial scale applications.

The company has ISO 9001and ISO 14001 certification as well as certificates from other recognised institutes, which is an endorsement of our continuous search for quality combined with global technological innovation. With the experience gained over several generations,  Guarany remains true to its mission of: ensuring satisfaction to its customers, employees, shareholders and partners; seeking continuous improvement in our products, services, processes and environmental practices; respecting  people, the market and the environment; complying with all relevant legislation and with our own code of ethics. For these reasons, our development as a company is conducted in obedience to and in respect for the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

The philosophy of our work, products and Guarany services is reflected in the respect that we have for the preservation and proper use of the 4 basic elements: Water; Earth; Air and Fire.

• Internationalization
• Diversification within the same specialization;
• Global quality and technological innovation;
• Continuous development of people, goods and services;
• Focus on Customers and markets;
• Social and environmental responsibility;
• Do what we like, like what we do.

Integrated policy

Through our Integrated Quality and Environment Policy, we have established  guidelines to promote and monitor continuous improvement, which we believe is necessary for the development of our business.

Our aim is to ensure the satisfaction of our customers, employees, shareholders and our supplier partners, by applying  the principles of quality andthrough continuous improvement of our products, services and environmental practices, demonstrated through our past results and reporting.

We believe in respecting people, the environment and the market, by complying with the law our code of ethics and other requirements subscribed to by the organization, following the guiding principles for the prevention of pollution.

Guarany: Focused on Internationalization, Technology and People Management.

Our target markets

Sustainability and our Arboretum Project

The preservation of the environment and the conscious awareness of its resources  are ongoing concerns reflected in the activities of Guarany.

In 1999, the company  began a reforestation project within the  perimeter of its factory, using endangered native species:  We planted 400 trees of 49 different species over an area of approximately 9,500 square meters.

Each tree planted represents a Guarany employee who then becomes responsible for the tree.

The objective of this initiative is to form a genetic bank of the endangered Brazilian tree species and to create environmental awareness among our employees and the Itu community in general, spreading the spirit of both preservation and integration.



Guarany is a member of the FAO/ISO committees, and a member of WHO`s GCDPP, and our products and practices have been certified by the most renowned Institutes. Our quality is enhanced by the experience acquired from operating in the national market for over 100 years and in the international market for over 40 years.

Learn more about Guarany